Wednesday, May 2, 2012


When it comes to Emerson, he defines freedom as being independent from those around us. He states that one must not follow those that get in the way of our education/learning. Whitman states that we are connected to nature; we have to be ourselves and not let the imitation take us from the beauty nature has to offer us. There are whimsical moments that create lasting memories. Lastly, for Douglass. education is the way to freedom. The more we know, one is able to escape from the unknown. Knowledge is very important. The similarities that i see is that they all have a relation to becoming a person of knowledge. The road to enlightenment is not easy but each author is searching for their own individual road for that answer. Each author has been in a different situation, as for Douglass, he was part of the slave period, as oppose to the other two, Douglass' has more of a challenge to pursue his freedom. Emerson's obstacle with freedom was the issue of he bookworm. Reading other people opinions when it comes to stories willnot make you free because you are living through their works. Finally, Whitman's obstacle were the people around him, in other words, society. Society was holding him back from giving his opinions towards the world.  An important thing to take notice is that each individual needs to be themselves when there is no disguise.

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